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Bible School

Lifecentre School of the Bible (LSB)

We believe the Bible is for everyone.

We believe someone who consistently follows Jesus has a life marked by three distinctions:

  • A personal hunger to be led more by Jesus.
  • An evident passion for leading more like Jesus.
  • An outward focus that leads more to Jesus.

Lifecentre School of the bible

What to Expect

Lifecentre School of the Bible Courses run for six weeks on Tuesday evenings and cost $50/per course. Discounts available for active students and seniors upon registration using the code provided in the event description.


Biblical Foundations

In Year One, each student will study the entire Bible through six courses to establish a firm foundation of Biblical understanding.

Term 1 - The Bible

This course provides a full, Biblical Foundations-level overview of The Bible. We will overview, trust, see, and study the Scriptures together. “Understanding the Bible isn’t for the few, gifted, scholarly – the Bible is accessible. It’s meant to be read and comprehended by everyone from armchair readers to seminary students.”

Term 2 - The History

This course is a systematic overview of the first seventeen books of the Bible – from Genesis to Esther.

Term 3 - The Prophets

Seeing prophecy in God’s Word is so important that it occupies one-third of the entire Bible. In this course, we’ll learn how God reveals His ongoing plans for the prophet’s own time, for coming events and eternal principles of right and wrong.

Term 4 - The Wisdom Books

In this course, the student will study the five books of Wisdom: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. The student must learn how God views wisdom. Biblically speaking, wisdom is the skill for living in a God-honouring way. Wisdom is more than knowledge; it’s applied knowledge.

Term 5 - The Gospels

In this course we’ll study the life and ministry of Jesus Christ as described in the Four Gospels and His ongoing ministry through the establishing of the church.

Term 6 - The Church

In this course, the student will study the various letters written to individuals and churches and discover the motivating messages of the authors’ lives and how to apply these truths to today’s situations.

Summer Course - Sexuality

This course provides theologically sound teaching and practical guidance on questions related to faith, sexuality, and gender. We need both a robust Biblical ethic and a radical acceptance of all individuals.


Doctrinal Understanding

Doctrinal Understanding

Year Two builds upon the Biblical foundations by giving the student a more in-depth study into the Scripture’s essential doctrines (beliefs).

Term 1 - Theology and the Word

This course is a study of the definitive statements about God, which include implications in a relevant way, based on God’s self-revelation and a study of the nature of the Bible as a revelation. It includes topics such as the character of God, revelation, inspiration, inerrancy, and canonicity.

Term 2 - Christology

Christology is the study of the nature (person) and work (role in salvation) of Jesus Christ. The student will study Jesus Christ’s humanity, divinity, the relation between these two aspects, and the role he plays in salvation.

Term 3 - Pneumatology

This course is a detailed study of the role, purpose, and power of the Holy Spirit both doctrinally and practically in the believer’s life.

Term 4 - Soteriology

This course takes a closer look at God’s plan of salvation through the Old and New Testament Scriptures. A review of doctrinal positions and eternal security are engaged.

Term 5 - Ecclesiology

This course is designed for the student to consider the ways in which the church has tried to advance, (good and bad), its central aim of continuing Jesus’ mission of building up the kingdom of God, and our role in the church today.

Term 6 - Eschatology

This course will help the student understand the Biblical doctrine of the end times; this will also include a systematic review of the different views concerning crucial world events.

Summer Course - Prayer

This course is designed to provide a deeper personal understanding of prayer, unanswered prayer and how we can talk about it with others.


Ministerial Works

Year Three advances the student from Biblical foundations and essential doctrine to be an influential minister.

Term 1 - Apologetics

This course is purposed to help Christians understand what they believe and why they believe it. In this course, the student will learn how to communicate those beliefs effectively. Every believer needs to answer, for the hope they have in Jesus Christ.

Term 2 - Growing Leaders I

This course is about the heart and hands of a leader. Jesus is the Great Shepherd. We are called to be healthy “leadersheep.” When leaders learn to lead better, everything improves.

Term 3 - Growing Leaders II

This course explores the role emotional maturity plays in our leadership. We are called to lead, but can only fulfill that if we are moving towards emotional and spiritual maturity. When leaders grow in maturity, everything improves.

Term 4 - Pastoral Care

This course is a practical guide for church lay leaders in providing care for those they lead. Whether it’s in a small group setting, volunteer team, or home campus, knowing how to care for each other is essential for church health.

Term 5 - God & Culture

This course is about learning a Biblical response to the pressing concerns and ideologies the Church faces in today’s culture. It is a vital view of how God responds to these concerns and how His Church should respond.

Term 6 - Preaching Practicum

This course summarizes what the students have learned in the three years of OSB courses into practical preaching presentations.